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......and the botanical names of this genus

Lophophora, Coulter (griech.) = "comose"
[referring to the woollen tuft]

Lophophopra diffusa
(Croizat) Bravo 

diffusa = outspread; with regard to the flat tubercular

Lophophora diffusa is the most southern located species of this fascinating plants. A big part of the image gallery is devoted to this species.

Lophophora diffusa grows only in a small area between Vizarron, Bucareli, and Toliman in the state of Queretaro, Mexico.

Lophophora fricii Habermann
fricii = designated after A.V. Fric 1882-1944 a, czech collector of cacti.

In habitat Lophophora fricii is a very mutable species. It´s hardly to find two similar plants at one location. Particularly in terms of the bloom they are different at the locations.

This species grows around the lagoon near Viesca in the state of Coahuila, Mexico.

Lophophora fricii forma albiflora
albiflora = white bloom

A specific place in habitat near Viesca in the state of Coahuila, Mexico.
It´s only a white flowering form of Lophophora fricii.

Lophophora jourdaniana Habermann

no occurrence in nature known.

This species is a cultivated hybrid with white to red-violet flowers.
Especially in its youth stadium the plants have little thorns.

Lophophora koehresii Riha
koehresii designated after the discoverer G. Koehres, a grower of cacti-seeds in Germany

Lophophora diffusa var. koehresii grows at the lagoon of Rio Verde, San Francisco, from Las Tablas to Palomas
in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
The distribution mainly is restricted to areas with alluvial soil. Lophophora diffusa var. koehresii is the smallest
species of the Lophophora genus.

Lophophora williamsii (Lemaire) Coulter

williamsii designated after the english traveller Ch. Williams

This species occurs from the northern states of Mexico San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas, Durango, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon up to Texas (USA).

It is to be found it in very different altitudes up from 100 m to 2100 m.

Location of the typical forms Entronque Huizache in the state San Luis Potosi, Mexico Furthermore a lot of various forms exists at other locations.

Lophophora williamsii var. caespitosa Yto
caespitosa = clumping; relating to a lot of scions

The origin of this plants is unknown.

Pictures from a newly discovered location near La Perdida in the state Tamaulipas, Mexico shows plants similar to the cultivars.

Lophophora williamsii var. decipiens Croizat
decipiens = deceptive

The location of this plants is unknown.

Plants, accordingly the description grows near El Amparo in the state Coahuila, Mexico.
This plants are counted among the form sphere from Lophophora fricii.

Lophophora williamsii var. texana Kreuzinger ex. Backeberg
texana = originated from Texas

Rio Grande, Texas, USA
  ...and other names of this genus
Also known as Peyotl, Peyote, Hiculi


Further names of Lophophora

Lophophora diffusa (Bravo) var. kubesai  Halda,Kupcak and Malina
Lophophora diffusa ( Bravo) var. swobodaiana Halda,Kupcak and Malina
Both names are double descriptions of Lophophora diffusa

Lophophora echinata Croizat
An old name of Lophophora diffusa

Lophophora lewinii, L. williamsii var. lewinii, L. diffusa var. lewinii
These are old and invalid names of Lophophora williamsii from unsettled habitats.

Lophophora lutea (Rouh) backeberg, syn. L. echinata var. lutea, L. williamsii var. lutea, L. diffusa var. lutea, L. lutea var. texana
These are names of a allegedly yellow flowering Lophophora diffusa.
Comment: I didn´t see any yellow flowering Lophophora yet. Simply the yellow anther of Lophophora diffusa let appear yellowish the bloom.
look also at my picture after "culture plants“ (lophophora diffusa 1).

Lophophora viridescens (Halda) Halda
A double description of Lophophora diffusa var. koehresii.

Lophophora williamsii var. grymii Halda,Kupcak and Sladkovsky
A double description of Lophophora williamsii from location of the typical forms.

Lophophora williamsii var pentagona Croizat
The locality of this specified plant is also the location of the typical williamsii forms.
In this case it is about a five ribbed habit.
Lophophora williamsii var pluricostata Croizat 
The locality of this specified plant is also the location of the typical williamsii forms.
In this case it is about a growing form with up to thirteen ribs.
Lophophora ziegleri Werdermann , L. ziegleriana Soulaire
Old names of Lophophora diffusa